About us

The company System-Drob w Lubomierzu spółka jawna operates on the Polish market since 1991. Until 2010, the Company operated under the brand Eko-Drób s. c. We are a family company operated by Paweł Łosiowski, Wojciech Łosiowski and Bogdan Rojowicz. We deal with the raising, slaughter and distribution of poultry. The company is established in the picturesque locality of Lubomierz near Łapanów, where we operate a modern slaughter and meat separation plant, our office and transport backlot. The plant was upgraded so as to be able to acquire all certificates necessary for the production and sale in the European Union in 2004. Currently, we pride ourselves in top quality of the poultry we produce, with sales in Europe, Asia and Africa.

Beside the plant, the company has a modern branch office in Kraków, which deals in the distribution of poultry, red meat and top quality cold cuts. Our own transport park allows us to serve retail stores and shopping centres in Poland and in our European neighbourhood.

The steady flow of production is ensured by our own modern farms (Bratucice, Lisia Góra, Kobierzyn) and a specialised group of farmers from Southern Poland.

The company’s objective is to do justice to the requirements and expectations of customers in Poland and abroad, and to create top-quality products. All these goals can be achieved by the following:

qualified employees,
good management,
modern technologies.